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Re: Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).

On Aug 27, 15:50, Michael Burati wrote:
> Subject: Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).

[ snip ]

>The above is too binary for me (either I trust everything that's signed or
>not).  What I really want is authorization based on who signed the applet
>or by anything signed by a particular CA.  

Authorization - ACL's are no small problem. This will require tight coupling of 
the authorization framwork with the execution engine. Hhhhmmm.... 

>                                            Any unsigned applet should be
>relegated to working within the limited sandbox given to it by the browser.

What's the difference between the browser and something else?

>I would then allow local filesystem access to applets signed by FOO, or by
>users-with-certs-from-CAxxx, and/or allow remote network connections by
>applets signed by FU and/or by users-with-certs-fromCAyyy&zzz...

I would be very reluctent to authorize actions based on specific certs. I either 
trustem or I don't. Authorizations should be based on the authenticated object. 

>Until then, how can I possibly trust automatically-loaded/run downloadable 
>I may trust one person signed by a particular CA to write applets that I'll
>run outside of a sandbox, but not everyone that this particular CA trusts...




[ psr ]
